Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nonparametric Statistics MTH4403 [please stop making trouble!]

BAD NEWS. yesterday we had to fill the Teaching Evaluation form for our Nonparametric Statistics MTH4403 class [Dr Bakri Adam] and there were a few beng*** students [sorry...] gave him poor marks and it made him got angry mad whatsoever and i guess tomorrow will be a hard day for us as we have a test. i assume the should-be-easy-test becomes u-should-die-after-answering-this-questions. T_T.

>>Dr sent us email last afternoon and told us that:
1.Latecomers will be deducted their marks from their attendance. [Alhamdulillah i'm a punctual student]
2.There will be more quizzes [maybe we should see this from a +ve perspective point, quizzes help us a lot for marks, plus help us more understand the topics]
3.He wants us answering the questions on the spot. i mean, writing the answer in front of the class [mmm..i don't like it]
4.No more 'send to' lecture notes to us. We have to write them on our own. *sigh*

>>sakit hati nye dgn mereka yg memberikan markah sikit kpd Dr Bakri. bg 1 je?? MasyaAllah mereka seolah-olah mengatakan Dr jarang masuk kelas. seolah-olah Dr jarang bagi kerja/assignment. seolah-olah Dr x pernah bg notes. seolah-olah Dr x pernah berusaha utk bantu students die.. wa..sakit nya hati dgn org2 yg x berhati perut tu.even kalau Dr tu suara die slow ke, x dengar ke, at least try to raise your hand and ask him to speak louder. itu je!

>>padahal diorg x fikir ke, yg Dr buat slides cantik2 utk attract kita belajar, supaya kita x ngantuk, supaya kita pandang depan je, supaya kita mudah faham. Malah Dr byk cite pasal MedicStat, utk buka mata kita yg statistics is not just statistics alone. Ada byk lg benda yg boleh bg kita opportunities dgn statistik ni. Dr bg kita notes in advance before class start supaya kita senang faham. Dr organize R Workshop supaya kita lebih faham pasal R, utk cantikkan resume kita,so x la semata-mata belajar SAS or C++ je. Dr bg kita macam2..

>>mmg la mula2 time belajar dlm kelas nonpara ni rasa Alhamdulillah, lama2 rasa senang tu muncul..

>>and now what happen? Ada lak students yang didn't give him something good for return. Chess!!!!!!!!!!! geramnye!

>>esok test. let's see what happen.

>>will i be like this?Photobucket

1 comment:

Irfan Akmal said...

smpi camtu skali ke
dasyhat nye