Friday, September 19, 2008


Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: "Tidak lurus (istiqomah) iman seseorang hamba itu sehingga hatinya lurus dan hatinya tidak akan lurus sehingga lurus lidahnya" (Riwayat Ahmad)

yesterday i went to Mines Shopping Complex after Zohor. huhu..i really couldn't help myself from entering every shop there, since all the items [my fav. eyes became blink2 *_*] were on sale..but i'm moneyless right now, so ~ window shopping saje le.. T_T

- breaking fast @ McDonald..hontoni miss McChicken a lot!!
- after Maghrib prayer @ surau, i met several couples that i believed, they were on their way to surau~made me pray in silence, "ya Allah, please protect me from those kind of things"

.:a couple~the boy hugged hugged his girlfiend's shoulder
.:a couple~the girl hugged her boyfriend's shoulder
.:a couple~the boy rubbed his girlfriend's back
/and all the girls that i met above were wearing tudung!/ shame of u muslimah oiii!!
in this Ramadhan kareem, how could u all did that in the public without shy??

+ouch! sakit mata beta melihat kamu semua..ceh!

1 comment:

pelangii said...

em..dorg ni..(i mean couple2 tu..),slah letak perasaan malu..bila jln pgang2 tgan tnpa ikatan sah, xmalu klu nk tnya ape2 bab2 agama, malu..zalim btul..sbb tak meletakkan malu pd tmpatnya..hehehe...

**hrap2 kita jauh dr benda2 mcm tu..amiinn..

**utk ingtkan diri sndiri yg leka dan mereka2 yg lupa..